Woo hoo! Three years-old is fun. It's finally the time where they appreciate and want you to do all the fun Mommy things that I wish I could do more of, but never seem to have adequate time (darn having to work full time and sleep.) This year, by his own choice, he asked if he could have a party and have his friends over. I asked him if he wanted a Thomas Party, a Super Why party or a Cookie Monster party and he chose Thomas. (See entries for Ethan's Birthday I and II to see that he had all 3.)

I made his invitation using brown kraft paper. I didn't want it to be overly Thomas-y, but I still wanted to include Thomas. I had a really good time making it. If you're interested, I'll probably sell it in my Etsy store eventually. http://inviteddesign.etsy.com
For his party, I bought Thomas engineer hats, Thomas party blowers, Percy, Thomas and James mylar baloons and a Thomas pinata from www.trainparty.com. I also bought the 3D Thomas Cake kit. Again ... I love the idea of making the cake, but I kind of stink at it. My cake proportions were not correct, and yes, I used a ruler to cut it. I guess other people's cakes are thicker because the face was way too big for my engine body. Oh well. Here's a picture of me with the cake and my neighbor's child, Simon, who definitely didn't mind the sinking side and "out-of-proportion-ess" as he continued to follow me around while I held it, saying "I want a piece of that one."

I also made cupcakes which I decorated with double sided little cupcake toppers, each with a different engine. If you're interested in these, I'll probably put them in my Etsy store too. http://inviteddesign.etsy.com

For the favors, I bought paperback Thomas books and a wooden whistle and wrapped them together in a red engineer's bandana. I bought the books from www.trainparty.com too.
I used yellow table cloths and plain blue plates and strung yellow, red and blue balloons across my yard.
Also, I rented tables and chairs from Weinhardt party supply. I hate the idea of spending money on something that I could probably call in favors for, but it was so much easier. Plus, they had little kid chairs and tables.
For a train, I bought a Thomas pop up tent with an Annie and Clarabel caboose tunnel. I struggled with this for a long time because I really wanted to buy the Thomas ride on train with track, but geez! It's expensive and virtually impossible to find at this time of year. In the end, I settled for the tent and it was a hit.

Overall, everything went really well. The kids had a great time. Not sure if I'll do this kind of party again though. It was a lot of work the day of. And I stressed about rain. Luckily, it didn't.